Ice Hiking in Vernon County

By Dena Nechkash Sometimes it is easier to just stay at home in winter, where it’s warm and familiar. But then sometimes your system needs to be recharged, shocked into action. Winter is only cold and unbearable if you make it so. Wearing the…

Avoid Muddy Trails for Nature’s Sake

By Dee Nechkash Exploring the natural beauty of Southwest Wisconsin should be done without leaving your mark. The weather is finally shaping up into a beautiful spring. Trees are budding, migratory birds are returning and plants are starting to sprout out of the earth….

Winter Hiking Adventure

A Snow Day in Governor Dodge State Park By Dee Nechkash The weather can change your plans pretty quickly. Friday I anticipated heading two hours away to explore some ice features at a couple of parks I’ve never really explored, and then a snowstorm…

Exploring SWWI Autumn

Crawford, Grant, Richland & Vernon Counties My morning started out with a text letting my grandparents know that I was running late. I only made it 20 miles from home before I found jaw-dropping natural beauty. No surprise there. My gas tank was full…

Exploring SWWI Autumn

Lafayette & Iowa Counties By Dee Nechkash Favorable autumn weather in Wisconsin never lasts long enough, which is probably why it is the most coveted season for this state! The fall colors did not disappoint this year, although they only lasted a few short…