Riding the Pecatonica State Trail

By Dena Nechkash Since I started working with the Belmont Tourism group, I’ve heard more and more about the Pecatonica State Trail, but I hadn’t spent much time on it. When I lived in Belmont several years ago, I would walk a mile or…

An Art Hunt

By Dee Nechkash Wisconsin’s Driftless region is best known for its scenic hills and valleys, meandering rivers and winding roads that lead you to remote destinations with beautiful scenery. Scattered throughout the region are murals painted on the sides of buildings, retaining walls and…

Exploring SWWI Autumn

Crawford, Grant, Richland & Vernon Counties My morning started out with a text letting my grandparents know that I was running late. I only made it 20 miles from home before I found jaw-dropping natural beauty. No surprise there. My gas tank was full…