Rural Electrification

The village of Boaz was recently in the news for an Alliant Energy project establishing a microgrid to improve the reliability of power to this small community in the event of an outage or service interruption. Boaz is known for its electrical history. After…

First Capitol & Wisconsin Territory 1836

Southwest Wisconsin was a political hub in the 1830s, when Wisconsin transitioned from a territory to a state. The first governor of the Wisconsin Territory (in 1836), Henry Dodge, was from nearby Mineral Point, and the first official governor of the state of Wisconsin…

Point of Beginning

Hazel Green, WI – Grant County One of the coolest historic markers I’ve discovered is on the Illinois-Wisconsin border just south of Hazel Green, where Grant and Lafayette counties meet. The “Point of Beginning” historic marker is significant because in the 1830s-1860s all points…

Exploring SWWI Autumn

Crawford, Grant, Richland & Vernon Counties My morning started out with a text letting my grandparents know that I was running late. I only made it 20 miles from home before I found jaw-dropping natural beauty. No surprise there. My gas tank was full…

Exploring SWWI Autumn

Lafayette & Iowa Counties By Dee Nechkash Favorable autumn weather in Wisconsin never lasts long enough, which is probably why it is the most coveted season for this state! The fall colors did not disappoint this year, although they only lasted a few short…