O’Leary Lake Offers Opportunities

There’s a tiny little lake in the southwestern-most corner of Wisconsin that provides a multitude of outdoor recreation opportunities year-round. O’Leary Lake, located approximately 3 miles from the Wisconsin-Iowa bridge at Dubuque, Iowa, is a 7-acre, shallow lake with a 14-foot depth at its…

Take the Scenic Route

By Dee Nechkash Maybe you’ve seen the brown “Rustic Road” sign and didn’t quite know what it meant, or saw it and told yourself you’d give it a try some other day when you had more time. These little gems scattered all across Wisconsin…

Winter Hiking Adventure

A Snow Day in Governor Dodge State Park By Dee Nechkash The weather can change your plans pretty quickly. Friday I anticipated heading two hours away to explore some ice features at a couple of parks I’ve never really explored, and then a snowstorm…